Feed My Flock Ministries is a nonprofit organization that was created in 2019 to engage in charitable and educational activities for the Riverside County communities and to share the love of Jesus Christ. Feed My Flock Ministries provides Welcome Home Baskets to newly housed homeless individuals/families in program-based organizations. Each basket contains a Bible/words of encouragement. We also offer Life Skills classes and resources for people experiencing homelessness and hardships. Feed My Flock Ministries wants to help encourage people to become self-sufficient.
Working with Case Mangers, we can provide their clients necessities needed for their home.
Appliance/Furniture Program
We offer Hygiene Kits for people experiencing homelessness and hardships.
Hygiene Kits For Homeless
We provide people who are in housing programs that move from homeless to housed, a laundry basket of basic household items. The baskets are designed to help someone get started in their new home.
Household Welcome Home Baskets
Life Skill Classes
Our Life Skills Classes are designed to teach a broad set of social and behavioral skills to help people deal with the demands of everyday life. Our classes can help with learning things like financial literacy, decision-making, employment skills, building healthy relationships and self-esteem.
We provide clients with Biblical spiritual guidance if desired.
We can partner with various organizations to offer resource events to people experiencing homelessness and hardships.
Resource Fairs